I can't do much for the mirror image, but I did look at my Kodak
EasyShare and it will rotate MOV files, just like it will rotate jpg
files so that much can be done.
| Thanks for the follow-up. The clip was not only upside down but,
looking at
| the band's name on the stage, was also "mirrored", so the problem is
| simply rotation. Strange. The clip has now been taken off the page,
| clips are OK.
| | > Maybe it was shot upside down. Did you download any other clips
| > that site, or has anyone else you know downloaded the same clip
| > without that problem?
| > As for the spelling, that is one of the problems of being
| > one has to rely on ones spelling checker a little more than most.
| > get lazy and if it is spelled correctly it gets sent. But as you
| > noticed, sometimes I spell the incorrect word correctly. Thank you
| > noticing. BTW there is such a thing as armature porn. You don't
| > to know what they do with an armature. But then, that's my problem
| > yours, which would appear to be bootlegged rock videos. But enough
| > my morals and your ethics, back to the problem.
| >
| > There is also a moviemaker news group you could be posting to,
| > would know of utilities to add effects to video clips to rotate
| > I have taken the liberty of cross posting.
| >
| > microsoft.public.windowsxp.moviemaker
| >
| > If the clip was taken with a digital camera instead of a DV
| > and it was portrait format instead of landscape (you did not say)
| > is quite possible the auto sense feature flipped the clip the
| > way.
| >
| >
| > | > | Thanks for telling me about your problems but, sorry, I'm not in
| > porn. It's
| > | not a porn clip, it's an onstage rock concert clip. Have you got
| > anything
| > | more constructive to say? I was curious as to how this clip
| > have ended
| > | that way and, if at all possible, recover it. By the way proper
| > spelling is
| > | Amateur not Armature.
| > |
| > |
| > | | > | > its really hard to get good armature porn now days.
| > | >
| > | > | > | > |I downloaded a Windows Media Player VDO clip from an amateur
| > website
| > | > and it
| > | > | plays upside down! Any idea how I can turn this clip around
| > | > degrees? My
| > | > | Windows Media Player otherwise plays normally with
| > else.
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >