WMP Monitor/Search performance

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I'm using the 64-bit RC1. The first WMP monitor (since search is no longer an
option) of a specified folder is abysmally slow (compared to WMP10 on XP). I
have over 50,000 tracks (all wma lossless and previously searched and found
on xp). It would take WMP10-XP an hour or so to process. I don't know how
long it'll take on rc1 ('cos it hasn't finished!), but I estimate it'll take
at least a week - maybe 10 days. I couldn't see any other reports of this
performance. So about 2 orders of magnitude slower! Am I alone in seeing this?
Actually WMP 11, built into Vista has no problems with searching folders.
Just like with MP10, you just have to tell it where to search.
If you click the down arrow under library, then click "Add to library" it
gives you an option of personal folders and the ability to ass your media
folders. I keep no media on my Windows drive, it all stays on a 250 Gig "My
Book" external.
The search option has 2 modes, simple and advanced (Volume leveling). I use
the simple search that just adds files, and checks for file info (album art
and such) online. The volume leveling takes a bit longer because it has to
actually sample the file for volume infomation. Note, just like with XP, if
you use volume leveling, expect to have your computer working for a while,
over 24 hours in my case where I have over 15,000 audio files stored.
But you can change media folders, do the 2 search types and all in Vista.
The good news is that it integrates into MCE as well. After you have set up
your library, it is playable in MCE as well.

Hope this helps :-)
Thanks for the response, Gene, but...
...Actually WMP 11, built into Vista has no problems with searching folders.
Just like with MP10, you just have to tell it where to search.
If you click the down arrow under library, then click "Add to library" it
gives you an option of personal folders and the ability to ass your media

But unlike MP10, it only has the "Monitor Folder" choices, not the explicit
search. I prefer to manually control changes in my library.
...The volume leveling takes a bit longer because it has to
actually sample the file for volume infomation. Note, just like with XP, if
you use volume leveling, expect to have your computer working for a while,
over 24 hours in my case where I have over 15,000 audio files stored. ...

I'm used to MP3s taking a long time, but not WMAs. Like I say, for over
50000 WMA files in XP (with volume levelling) it's a max of 4 hours for me.
With Vista-64 WMP11 it's been almost a week and still not done! Something is
seriously wrong here.

I partially fixed my problem, by finding a second copy of WMP on my system
(see my post under Installation etc.) This copy (not pointed to by the
shortcuts) runs at least 24 times faster on folder search.