Yo Jeffman--
So late at night when the wind is howling and it's freezing does the thought
cross your mind
"How the hell does this happen?" What happened to the icon designers that
MSFT goes out and hires? Did they have a brain dead bunch of months?
There is a legendary story of the brash 15 year old who cornered one of
Jobs' main guys at an Apple conference and told him "I can make better icons
than you have." The Apple mover and shaker smiled indulgently and told him
to keep his interest up. He found the guy's email address and emailed him
the icons he designed and he was installed as Apple's icon designer. Tech
TV had him on a show a whilee back.
They got the shell team right? You know, these guys.
Their leader has $40 billion or more and change and Warren Buffett gave his
fondation $35 million or so,
Three are all kinds of millionaires that work there. When they tried to
make their first Halo movie deal, they were outrageous gluttons and they
asked for jet transportation to the opening for all these people.
They have all these uber sophisticate with their heads....
deep under the hood of Windows as in the book
Windows XP Under the Hood: Hardcore Windows Scripting and Command Line Power
And all they could deal you was that awful looking icon.
There are endless sites whee you can make an icon.
You could try this for WMP icons:
Then there's an icon a day (keeps the doc away):
I looked around a bit and didn't find one where you could download the WMP
group of icons and I didn't find one but there are and they are the sites
where they offer Win XP or Win Visa icons.
If you're on a dual boot, or you can go to an XP Box and burn these files
and folders, you can get some WMP icons to substitute by right
clicking>properties>change icon or modify. I just did this with a folder I
put up on my Vista desktop. I'm on a dual boot and I have all my programs
on my F:\ drive --just as a result of pushing files and folders and programs
around so that I could distribute real estate.
I went back through my XP boot by shorting to my XP desktop first and I
could have sworn there are some WMP icon folders, and .dlls there but I
couldn't find them.
But I did this in my program files. Not my XP drive program files, but the
drive where I park most programs when I choose to install them there for XP
and Vista some times. Other times I put programs on my Vista drive in
C:\Program Files.
Using the change icons dialogue box with the right click of a folder through
properties on the context menu> I went to F:\Program Files where most of the
programs are>F:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\wmencres.dll
and there are a couple of WMP icons you can use there--nothing to blow you
A couple in F:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\wmencres.dll
One is in F:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\wmesrcwp.dll
One is in F:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\WMProEdt.exe
(one of same as in the wmencres.dll file).
F:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\wmstreamedt.exe Same as
in the wmencres.dll file.