WMM won't save my file...

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I keep getting one of three responces when i try to save my file to a movie

1)the timer appears showing it is trying to save, but it just keeps going up
and up and it got up to around 8000 before i stoped it

2)the timer comes up and starts to go up then falls ad freezes.

3)a message comes up saying "cannot save movie to specified location, varify
the original source files used in you movie are still avaliable, that the
saving location is still availiable, and that there is enough free disk space
availiable, and then try again"

I have 15 gigs left on my internal hard drive, and 50gigs on my
external...i've tried saving to both, all the files i used to make it are
still EXACTLY where they were while i was making the movie and
everything...what can i do???
Faymore said:
I keep getting one of three responces when i try to save my file to a movie

1)the timer appears showing it is trying to save, but it just keeps going
and up and it got up to around 8000 before i stoped it

2)the timer comes up and starts to go up then falls ad freezes.

3)a message comes up saying "cannot save movie to specified location,
the original source files used in you movie are still avaliable, that the
saving location is still availiable, and that there is enough free disk
availiable, and then try again"

I have 15 gigs left on my internal hard drive, and 50gigs on my
external...i've tried saving to both, all the files i used to make it are
still EXACTLY where they were while i was making the movie and
everything...what can i do???

These seem to be the standard error message(s) when
a user tries to make a vid with files of an incompatible
source format.
This has been covered every single day in these forums!
Read the archive.
Faymore said:
I keep getting one of three responces when i try to save my file to a movie

1)the timer appears showing it is trying to save, but it just keeps going
and up and it got up to around 8000 before i stoped it

2)the timer comes up and starts to go up then falls ad freezes.

3)a message comes up saying "cannot save movie to specified location,
the original source files used in you movie are still avaliable, that the
saving location is still availiable, and that there is enough free disk
availiable, and then try again"

I have 15 gigs left on my internal hard drive, and 50gigs on my
external...i've tried saving to both, all the files i used to make it are
still EXACTLY where they were while i was making the movie and
everything...what can i do???

I think decoder hit this one on the head.
What are the file extensions of the clips, video and audio, that are in your
Also how long is the movie and how are you saving it?
15GB is definitely not much space when editing video and even 50GB may not
be if it is a long project being saved as a DV-AVI.
I think decoder hit this one on the head.
What are the file extensions of the clips, video and audio, that are in your
Also how long is the movie and how are you saving it?
15GB is definitely not much space when editing video and even 50GB may not
be if it is a long project being saved as a DV-AVI.

erm...how could 15 gigs of space not be enough...none of my vids are even
over a gig, the one i'm having problems with is 69 mb....as for the file
extensions used mainly MPEG and WMV but a few are AVI...and the thing about
it is that with as many movies as i've made so far (around 25 or so, several
on animemusicvideo.org) NONE have had this problem no matter what format i've
I have the exact same problem and no one here could help me either. They kept
saying the exact same thing, "you're using incompatible files", but how are
"WMVs" incompatible with Movie Maker? I have no idea and apparently neither
does anyone here. I suggest you just find another video editing software
because there are no answers for this one, at least none here.
Im having the same exact problem - sooooo furstring!!! I'll let you know if I
figure it out.
Faymore said:
erm...how could 15 gigs of space not be enough...none of my vids are even
over a gig, the one i'm having problems with is 69 mb....as for the file
extensions used mainly MPEG and WMV but a few are AVI...and the thing
it is that with as many movies as i've made so far (around 25 or so,
on animemusicvideo.org) NONE have had this problem no matter what format

I didn't say it wasn't enough I said it wasn't much.
15GB does not go very far when you start making videos and saving them as
DV-AVI which you should be doing if you intend to make a DVD. 13GN is only a
minute of video as a DV-AVI.
As far as the filetypes MPEG sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, usually
doesn't, and MPEG2 never works. You have made 25 videos and I have made
hundreds so trust me when I tell you that converting the MPEG's to AVI can
do nothing but help the situation.
The MPEG's may or may not be causing the problem but they are the easiest
fix for it. If your project is less than 1GB like you say then the problem
shouldn't be due to a complex project as it is apparently a very small
project so MPEG's is the first thing I would look at.
There are answers, there are always answers, you sound like somebody that
had an attitude meaning the people here, including myself, are not likely to
help you.
Remember we don't get paid for this we volunteer our time and me, Papajohn,
Graham, John, dickmr, decoder, and everybody else that come in here to help
do help people get there programs running all the time. And why? Because we
know what we are talking about.
If you can't get Movie Maker, one of the easiest editing tools to use out
there, to work then good luck to you. BTW I challenge you to find one post
anywhere in this NG where somebody told you that WMV's were
Check my website Movie Maker -> Trouble Shooting -> Can't save a movie
The things discussed in this thread as well as some other possibilities are
If you don't find what you need there try Papajohn's website Can't Save a
Movie for some other options.
Way to totally misread my post. I never said that someone told me what wmvs
are incompatible. I said that the solutions brought to me were that either I
was using incompatible files, to which I add "how are wmv's incompatible" or
that I was missing some random codec. I realize you're not getting paid, no
one here is but the fact that my thread was never answered even after I said
that the problem still persisted led me to believe that the problem had no
answers. You may be perceiving an attitude now due to the lack of solutions I
had before especially when these were the exact same symptoms. Also, you guys
don't tend to listen to the problems. Especially when he said that his
project was less than 1GB and he had no previous problems. It seems WMM just
suddenly gets problems because I've been using the exact same file types
since day one and its just now giving me problems. Heck, even exact same
files that once worked just fine like 2 months are now coming back with
timeline displaying problems and general saving problems. It just seems WMM
gets buggy for no apparent reason.
Andros said:
Way to totally misread my post. I never said that someone told me what
are incompatible. I said that the solutions brought to me were that either
was using incompatible files, to which I add "how are wmv's incompatible"
that I was missing some random codec. I realize you're not getting paid,
one here is but the fact that my thread was never answered even after I
that the problem still persisted led me to believe that the problem had no
answers. You may be perceiving an attitude now due to the lack of
solutions I
had before especially when these were the exact same symptoms. Also, you
don't tend to listen to the problems. Especially when he said that his
project was less than 1GB and he had no previous problems. It seems WMM
suddenly gets problems because I've been using the exact same file types
since day one and its just now giving me problems. Heck, even exact same
files that once worked just fine like 2 months are now coming back with
timeline displaying problems and general saving problems. It just seems
gets buggy for no apparent reason.
Indeed, and in the convoluted world of Mr Gates
unpredictable but addictive software, it can get
itself confused and baffled.
There is of course the frustrating element to add
to the confusion - critical updates, optional updates
and hotfixes.
The bottomline to this specific problem is the fundemental
issue of what file formats are compatible with WMM, and
the fact is that very few are! Having problems with AVI's?
Sometimes it can be solved by downloading Divx codec's,
*some* Mpegs can be made compatible with the installation
of an encoder, - PowerDVD for example.
But WMM is very fussy about what formats it will accept.

Updating, phew where to start....................
Most of us opt to have critical updates automatically,
but then comes the exasperating aspect that some critical
updates then require an "optional" patch or hotfix - which we
the end user have to think of checking for!
That is always worth doing, visit Windows Update, perform
a scan, and then click the optional and hardware update
link to see what that has to offer.

The following is a cut from another thread in another forum
not relevent to this discussion, but just to give an example
of how complex and frustrating updating can be:
(The point of this example is how an update may cause
failure if procedure is not followed and patches not applied)

----- Original Message -----
From: "decoder" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: C00D11DB Error
I didn't say it wasn't enough I said it wasn't much.
15GB does not go very far when you start making videos and saving them as
DV-AVI which you should be doing if you intend to make a DVD. 13GN is only a
minute of video as a DV-AVI.
As far as the filetypes MPEG sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, usually
doesn't, and MPEG2 never works. You have made 25 videos and I have made
hundreds so trust me when I tell you that converting the MPEG's to AVI can
do nothing but help the situation.
The MPEG's may or may not be causing the problem but they are the easiest
fix for it. If your project is less than 1GB like you say then the problem
shouldn't be due to a complex project as it is apparently a very small
project so MPEG's is the first thing I would look at.
whoa whoa whoa...i'm NOT saving them to a DVD i am making them as a WMV
format to post on the web...i make music tributes and they are pretty small,
all are less then 1 gig...on top of that i am not trying to convert mpeg to
avi, please re-read the post i said i am using mpeg, wmv and avi formated
clips to make my vids. However i think i already found the problem, it seems
my WMM doesn't like the AVI formated clips because the saved file BEFORE i
added those was perfectly fine, after it started crashing as i said above...
Wojo said:
There are answers, there are always answers, you sound like somebody that
had an attitude meaning the people here, including myself, are not likely to
help you.
Remember we don't get paid for this we volunteer our time and me, Papajohn,
Graham, John, dickmr, decoder, and everybody else that come in here to help
do help people get there programs running all the time. And why? Because we
know what we are talking about.
If you can't get Movie Maker, one of the easiest editing tools to use out
there, to work then good luck to you. BTW I challenge you to find one post
anywhere in this NG where somebody told you that WMV's were
I think miccisoft should solve this problem. I paid for my Windows
license and WMM is included, so I suppose it should work...
I am not going to get into a flame war here.
your post made it sound like we don't know what we are talking about, no you
didn't say that but it definitely sounded that way, so I responded to that.
I perceived an attitude because it was very difficult not to.
As far as "you guys don't tend to listen to the problems. Especially when he
said that his project was less than 1GB and he had no previous problems"
that is ridiculous since I commented on the 1gb thing in my response "If
your project is less than 1GB like you say then the problem shouldn't be due
to a complex project as it is apparently a very small project" (who doesn't
listen?) I'm sorry but I have a really hard time accepting that the issues
people sometimes have is because "WMM gets buggy for no apparent reason" As
I said there's always a reason. Sometimes we can figure it out and sometimes
we can't but when we can't I almost guarantee some of us could if the
computer was sitting in front of us. More often than not the problem is
either user error or a problem because of something else installed such as
another program that messes with the codecs or a bad codec being installed.
Sometimes it is due to a bad install and this is an issue most software has
happen occasionally.
The only other thing I have to say is that if we didn't respond further to
your problem when you had it that is because for whatever reason we happened
to miss your post about WMV's or whatever your response was (I don't know or
remember your post) not because we didn't have anything to try to help you
fix the problem.
Ok, I feel better now
Faymore said:
whoa whoa whoa...i'm NOT saving them to a DVD i am making them as a WMV
format to post on the web...i make music tributes and they are pretty
all are less then 1 gig...on top of that i am not trying to convert mpeg
avi, please re-read the post i said i am using mpeg, wmv and avi formated
clips to make my vids. However i think i already found the problem, it
my WMM doesn't like the AVI formated clips because the saved file BEFORE i
added those was perfectly fine, after it started crashing as i said

Sorry, I didn't know for certain if you were making DVD's or not I was just
commenting on the harddrive space, it truly isn't very much space if you
ever decide to make video editing a real hobby.
The AVI's were causing a problem? Ok now that helps. Try going here:
Download the Windows XP Codec pack. That just might solve your problem.