WMM Error Trying to Save -- Can save only to DV AVI

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First thanks to Papa John and WOJO sites for getting up and kind of running
on WMM 2.1. I can piece together movies produced from clips from my "motion
JPEG" producing FUJI S7000 camera but I can't save them to any other of the
WMV formats offered in WMM. Can only save to DV AVI. Wondering if I need to
"refresh" the QASF.dll version 9 file. I see it and the version 10 file in
SYS32 file. Is this a valid course or are the camera files I am working with
the issue? Sure would like to be able to email my 2 minute movies but the
file is just toooo big for that. Any suggestions would be very welcomed.
kenchan said:
First thanks to Papa John and WOJO sites for getting up
and kind of running on WMM 2.1. I can piece together
movies produced from clips from my "motion JPEG"
producing FUJI S7000 camera but I can't save them to any
other of the WMV formats offered in WMM. Can only save to
DV AVI. Wondering if I need to "refresh" the QASF.dll
version 9 file. I see it and the version 10 file in SYS32
file. Is this a valid course or are the camera files I am
working with the issue? Sure would like to be able to
email my 2 minute movies but the file is just toooo big
for that. Any suggestions would be very welcomed. Thanks
Does the following article offer anything
you have not tried?

Video: See how to save your movie in
different formats


This is not tech support.
I am only a volunteer.....

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs
Thanks John for the help. I haven't tried to capture videos in the way
discribed in that article. Using Fuji Soft for that, but I will give it a go.
Unfortunately, the cam doesn't provide for IEEE connect. Have found a way get
my shorts to email. First edit in WMM2.1 - save - to DV AVI and compress
using WinMedEncoder 9 to compress my files. Works for now but would like to
do this in WMM without getting the save error message stopping me from saving
to WMV. Patience and plugin at it should finally win the day.
kenchan said:
Thanks John for the help. I haven't tried to capture
videos in the way discribed in that article. Using Fuji
Soft for that, but I will give it a go. Unfortunately,
the cam doesn't provide for IEEE connect. Have found a
way get my shorts to email. First edit in WMM2.1 - save -
to DV AVI and compress using WinMedEncoder 9 to compress
my files. Works for now but would like to do this in WMM
without getting the save error message stopping me from
saving to WMV. Patience and plugin at it should finally
win the day.
Have you read the following article:

MM2 - Problem Solving - 'Can't Save A Movie'
Yes I have -- several times. It was that article that pointed to a possible
problem with the QASF.dll Ver. 9 file as a possible reason for being able to
save movies to DV AVI format but not WMV. Little hesitant to address the QASF
file when there is also a Ver 10 in place -- probably from an update of Media
player. And the advice from the article was dated 2003. Wondering if this is
still a valid course to take -- the QASF file could be corrupt or just fine -
not sure. I am flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to software