WMM Crashes when adding Audio files...

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Hi all,

Iv had this problem a long time ago, i have SP2 and everything works fine,
except for WMM, I can add videos\add transions\pictures etc... Except for
music, whenever i add mp3 files, or any other audio files, it
crashes...saying Windows Movie Maker have encountered an error and needs to
shut down....etc
Please help me with this issue..I searched for helpful topics, but didnt
find one...

Well it could be a DLL registration issue in which case Rehan or Papajohn
will chime in hopefully to instruct you better than I could.
Other than that it sounds like the program itself may be corrupted leaving
you two options:
1) Use Windows Restore to go back to an earlier restore point where WMM was
or may have been working properly.
2) Reinstall SP2 which will reinstall WMM.
Well thanks, ill try that...

But i have some stuff to tell you first...

Wmm never worked for me, and about re-installing SP2, what will that do ? i
mean iv downloaded lots of other updates since the release of SP2, wouldnt
that affect the already downloaded DLL files... ??

Zak said:
Well thanks, ill try that...

But i have some stuff to tell you first...

Wmm never worked for me, and about re-installing SP2, what will that do ?
mean iv downloaded lots of other updates since the release of SP2, wouldnt
that affect the already downloaded DLL files... ??


Reinstalling SP2 will reinstall Movie Maker since it is part of SP2.
Yes any updates downloaded and installed since SP2 will need to be
downloaded and installed again which is why I recommended a System Restore
first but if WMM "never" worked properly then restoring won't likely work.
As Papajohn said it could be a codec issue but that's a little hard to see
since you say it doesn't work for other audio files so it isn't just one
filetype such as MP3's.