WMM 2.1

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I downloaded SP2 without problems after it first came out. Now would to
upgrade WMM 2 to 2.1 because of pass thru. Do I have to reload SP2 since it
doesn't come as a standalone

Movie Maker 2.1 is installed during the process of installing Service Pack
2....if you click on HELP > ABOUT you should see the version number...do
not be fooled by the XP version 5.1 number as most people seem to be.

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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Thanks, John, for the quick reply. Here is what I have:
Version 5.1(Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158-Service Pack 2)
Windows Movie Maker version 2.0.3312.0

So, as you can see, it is not the newest version.

BTW, really enjoy your site.

Thanks for the comment, about MM 2.1 I think you said you had already put
SP2 on to the computer...if that is the case then there has been a failure
to install properly. As a check ...click on the Start button and then
search and do a search for FILES using the template moviemk.exe. In the
result list you will find at least one entry and maybe two....making sure
that MM is not already running double click the first entry and check the
version number...close it down and check any other entries in the same way.

This is a quick and dirty fix by the way....but it will solve your problem
IF Version 2.1 has been installed. If you discover an entry that points to
the 2.1 version reduse the size of the window you are looking at so that
you can see both your desktop and the entry in the search list. Right click
the entry and drag it to the desktop and release the mouse. You will then
be given some options...the one you want is "Make A Shortcut...." So, If,
If and If you will be sorted out...if none of that works......

The SP2 install clearly failed rather badly. My first question would be,
"What else has failed?" and if I did not have a good reason to NOT do it, I
would reinstall XP immediately followed by SP2 (I have discovered that
doing it this way results in a significantly faster system when compared
with the results of installing all of the updates from MS first)

Obviously I can't say that you must do it, you may want to retry an install
of SP2...if you do it that way I strongly suggest you download the full
developers version from MS or get hold of one of the free CD's with it
on....if this still fails then there is really only one good option left
...reinstall XP + SP2

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Provided he does use any of the bad advice and then find himself getting
your reply...Its At Your Risk I do not know anything on that subject

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hi John:

Thanks again for the info. You were right to assume that SP2 was installed
on my computer even though I just stated that I downloaded it. After your
suggestion, I did find instances of MM.exe, each with different version and
service pack and of course, 2.1. Apparently, even though MM 2 was removed via
"add and remove programs" before, the old version still remained on computer.
SP2 did install correctly on the computer. I do already have the CD version
of SP2 so if all else fails, I'll follow your advice and reinstall.

Thanks, again.

Pleased to be of help. You should be safe leaving the new shortcut on your
desktop...if you find that there are still problems...its a possibility,
simply find the 2.1 version again and drag it to the formal
directory....something along the lines of C:\program files\movie maker. and
of course delete that short cut from your desktop.

If you have version 1 of movie maker there is a simple trick you can employ
so that you can use both version....find the version 1 instance of the
program doing the same as before...right click it and select RENAME. Give
it a new name...almost anything you like but make sure it ends with ".exe"
then right click it and drag to the desktop as before and create a short
cut....you now have both version !!! there is a possibility that SP2 has
messed up some of the files it links too...so if it does not work do not be
too disapointed....just the way things are.

If you ever reinstall XP rename the version 1 exe before putting SP2 on....
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work