WMM 2.1 Hangs and crashs

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Tried everything, rename program ,hardware acceleration, shorten movie,no
luck. photos work fine till we reach movie clip first one works fair, then
hangs on next photo and next clips jerk, then crash and bring it back up and
it crashes no matter what you try????two weeks still nothing. Windows XP,
Service pack 2 installed, New Compaq PC 512 RAM, 200 GB h-drive Any


Did you read the FAQ I post on Crashes and Hangs....did you check out
the advice on file types???
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
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My video files are loaded from a DVD made by Pro-video Company
and are over 50 years old. to load to computer I use Adaptec ( VideOh! DVD
AVC 2210) from a Sony DVD Player. I cam E-Mail 4MB movies.
and they are JPEG and MPEG when I put the curso over them.
I read Windows Movie Maker 2.1 FAQ and I am sure read one on Wild Tangent
drivers, The post I may have missed , but, I throught Movie Maker 2.1
supoported MPEG add JPEG according to their help file???
Hello there,

No, I'm sorry to say that MPeg is not supported.

JPeg images are in a sense like MPeg. There are a variety of methods
used to create them and even storing the information about them...on top of
that a JPeg have a number of different characteristics for
example...Progressive or all in one.

The consequence is that whilst most modern programs can deal with all of
these variations it would seem that Movie Maker cannot. There are so far two
reactions by Movie Maker to a JPeg it cannot fully handle,,,one is the
dreaded message that the project can not be saved, check this and that
location, and the other is the image is not displayed but the audio

The solution is the same for both, convert it to a bitmap (BMP) On the
issue of processing alone...a bitmap is more friendly than any other
format....It is already a BITMAP and therefore the bitmap does not have to
be created so that effects/transitions can be applied.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
John: I read your FAQ on crashs, And t hat sounds like my problem. How to
convert files???? I tried Infanview, no luck ???

Simply load the jpeg into any graphics program capable of holding it and save
it as a bitmap......

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work