From: "delrio42" <
[email protected]>
| I get a message that the WMI might be corrupted moved or missing.
| Try restore didn't work.
| Also windows cannot start the windows firewall/ICS service.
| Also when I install McAfee Suite 2007 my Explorer will not work, cannot
| display page.
| Help,
| Homer
This *may* work. If it doesn't you should post this in a WMI support group.
Create a FIXWMI.CMD batch file from the below script and run it and see if this corrects
your problem.
@echo on
cd /d c:\temp
if not exist %windir%\system32\wbem goto TryInstall
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
net stop winmgmt
winmgmt /kill
if exist Rep_bak rd Rep_bak /s /q
rename Repository Rep_bak
for %%i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %%i
for %%i in (*.exe) do call :FixSrv %%i
for %%i in (*.mof,*.mfl) do Mofcomp %%i
net start winmgmt
goto End
if /I (%1) == (wbemcntl.exe) goto SkipSrv
if /I (%1) == (wbemtest.exe) goto SkipSrv
if /I (%1) == (mofcomp.exe) goto SkipSrv
%1 /RegServer
goto End
if not exist wmicore.exe goto End
wmicore /s
net start winmgmt