All PCs in our company are called PC00000 - PC99999 and laptop
I see there is an option for WMI filtering, so I assume I can have a
global group policy applied to all PCs, and then one filtered by
computer name for the laptops.
HTF to I write a WMI filter by computername!?!!?!?
From my books its something like:-
Root\CimV2;select * from win32_ComputerSystem where computer.name like
!? How warm am I?
All PCs in our company are called PC00000 - PC99999 and laptop
I see there is an option for WMI filtering, so I assume I can have a
global group policy applied to all PCs, and then one filtered by
computer name for the laptops.
HTF to I write a WMI filter by computername!?!!?!?
From my books its something like:-
Root\CimV2;select * from win32_ComputerSystem where computer.name like
!? How warm am I?