Oh my gosh! I have spent hours searching through posts for an answer, trying
a multitude of different configurations, and I've now given up. I cannot
understand why something that seems so simple is so difficult. I've been to
all the linked websites, and still nothing that gives me an answer. Can ya
tell I'm a little frustrated?
I have a powerpoint 2003 photo album of about 160 pics. They have about
5-sec transitions between them. I want to put five to eight songs (.wma) to
run with the slides going and for the whole thing to just keep looping
throughout a party.
I have done Insert sound file and ALL the custom animation stuff -- 999
slides, start automatically, after previous, etc. I have tried every
different configuration I could think of. I had read that I could put
multiple sound files and they would play one right after the other. They
either play all at the same time or the first one plays and that's it. The
path is not over 128 characters. I even tried playing from a CD because I got
desperate and THAT didn't work either! I'm about ready to set a boom box up
behind it and go that route.
I would be MOST grateful for your assistance! Thank you so much.
a multitude of different configurations, and I've now given up. I cannot
understand why something that seems so simple is so difficult. I've been to
all the linked websites, and still nothing that gives me an answer. Can ya
tell I'm a little frustrated?

I have a powerpoint 2003 photo album of about 160 pics. They have about
5-sec transitions between them. I want to put five to eight songs (.wma) to
run with the slides going and for the whole thing to just keep looping
throughout a party.
I have done Insert sound file and ALL the custom animation stuff -- 999
slides, start automatically, after previous, etc. I have tried every
different configuration I could think of. I had read that I could put
multiple sound files and they would play one right after the other. They
either play all at the same time or the first one plays and that's it. The
path is not over 128 characters. I even tried playing from a CD because I got
desperate and THAT didn't work either! I'm about ready to set a boom box up
behind it and go that route.
I would be MOST grateful for your assistance! Thank you so much.