When I post a new news message on the MS discussion groups with WLMD and
view the discussions groups through the browser version, my post date is
27/06/2006 (which is wrong) with the tree "collapsed" and the "right date"
with the tree "expanded" (when I view these groups in WLMD all dates are
e.g. my posts in this group concerning WLMD on 24/06/2006 and 25/06/2006
view the discussions groups through the browser version, my post date is
27/06/2006 (which is wrong) with the tree "collapsed" and the "right date"
with the tree "expanded" (when I view these groups in WLMD all dates are
e.g. my posts in this group concerning WLMD on 24/06/2006 and 25/06/2006