Wlan - VB.NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vhdl.eu
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Hi all,

Is there anyone who knows how to access the Wlan Driver in Windows XP by
mean of a VB.NET application?

In other words; how can I use the Wlan driver from Windows in my next VB.NET

Thanks in advance, kind regards,

I think in the same way as any driver in VB.Net, you don't use them, they
are on a to low level in the OS system to reach them direct. You don't
access the screens as well not direct.

Just my thought,

In addition to the other comments.

Can you explain exactly what you want, or think you need?

You implicitly use the Wlan driver each time you use a connection that
happens to on your wireless adapter.

For example:

Dim client As New System.Net.WebClient
client.DownloadFile("http://www.microsoft.com", "home.html")

Would "access" the wlan driver if your connection to the internet was over
your wireless card... Your application shouldn't care that it is a wlan
connection or not.... Just that a connection is available.

If you do (care its a wlan connection) then I would look at the "IO Control"
Win32 functions. You can use P/Invoke (Declare statements) to access the
Win32 "IO Control" functions if there are available in the framework already
(they may be, other then Socket.IOControl, I don't see any).

I'm not sure if Socket.IOControl exposes what you want or not (it sounds


Alternatively you should be able to use the DeviceIoControl API:


There may be other Win32 APIs that you need to use in addition to

Hope this helps
Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]
..NET Application Architect, Enthusiast, & Evangelist
T.S. Bradley - http://www.tsbradley.net

| Hi all,
| Is there anyone who knows how to access the Wlan Driver in Windows XP by
| mean of a VB.NET application?
| In other words; how can I use the Wlan driver from Windows in my next
| application?
| Thanks in advance, kind regards,
| http://www.vhdl.eu
Thanks for your answers,

The problem why I would like to have access to the driver is: I would like
to see what AP's are seen by my Wlan Card and what the signal strenght is.
Or are those kind of things all visible by WMI?

Kind regards,