I got a problem, everytime I enter in my sessions, even before I can see my desktop, I hear that Windows 7 noise telling me there's an error. And when I can see my desktop I see a windows error message telling me that "Wizran.dll" could not be located, and I'm not sure but I find my computer slower as before since I got that error.
I searched all over the internet and can't find anything on that error, so if somebody can help me, it will be really appreciated

Thank's in advance.
I got a problem, everytime I enter in my sessions, even before I can see my desktop, I hear that Windows 7 noise telling me there's an error. And when I can see my desktop I see a windows error message telling me that "Wizran.dll" could not be located, and I'm not sure but I find my computer slower as before since I got that error.
I searched all over the internet and can't find anything on that error, so if somebody can help me, it will be really appreciated

Thank's in advance.