Wizards won't work in Access 2000

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I have loaded Microsoft Office on Windows XP and the Access
wizards won't work? Has this happened to anyone else and if
so, did you find a solution?
-----Original Message-----
I have loaded Microsoft Office on Windows XP and the Access
wizards won't work? Has this happened to anyone else and if
so, did you find a solution?
This did happen to me, and after lots of research the
best advice I got was from the Microsoft site and they
recommend only opening a data base via Access and not via
a shortcut on the desk top. Seems odd, but it did solve
my problems.
Not sure if this is what has been happening to you, but
it may help
Just so you know you're not crazy (thought I was for
awhile)...I am getting the same situation ("feature isn't
installed"). I have tried re-installing, cleaning out
the registry, (everything except "format c:" which I'm
not willing to do yet). I even tried a complete ACCESS
install (every single option checked) to no avail. If
there are any Microsoft people monitoring this
thread...please reply. My original post was weeks ago
and I still haven't gotten any help. HELP US SOMEONE

It sounds as if Jet may be running in sandbox mode. Check the following
registry key:


If this is 3, change it to 2.

Hope this helps,

Rob Cooper
Software Test Engineer
Microsoft Access Team

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Rob ...
YOU A R E THE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!

To eveyone having this problem....it WORKS !!!


Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray

Thanks a HEAP Rob