-----Original Message-----
First make sure that you have the Wizards enabled - on the form
design toolbar, there is a "magic wand" button which should be
depressed. Often that's the only problem.
Next, make sure that you have Office 2000 SR-1, this has been out
for a long time. There are also Service Packs 2 and 3 but I think
the problem may
have been resolved with SR-1.
You might also look at the following Knowledge base article:
Q242218 - ACC2000: Nothing Happens When You Start an Access Wizard
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q242/2/18 .asp
Also check for and remove the Small Business Customer Manager. This
is known to cause issues with the wizards. From the start menu look
for Office 2000 Small Business Tools. If it is there you use Control
Panel, Add/Remove programs to remove it. Then run detect and repair
from the Access help menu.
Last but not least, try using Regsvr32 to re-register DAO360.dll
Sandra Daigle [Microsoft Access MVP]
Please post all replies to the newsgroup.
John said:
The wizards that normally activate automatically when
putting controls like combo boxes, option grouops, and
buttons on forms have stopped activating. How can I turn
them back on?