Wiz Backup



Using MSFT Wizard to backup my 'C' hard drive ... What diff would it be if I
backed up to mybackup-folder on 'C' drive or a slave drive?

My 'C' drive has Gigomonguss huge free space

Yves Leclerc

If you create a bakcup of your C drive on your C drive, this can have two

1) If you drive C fails, you also loose your backup. I never seen any
system where two drives fail at the same time.

2) During the backup, the Wizard will have problems:
a) The Wizard will try to backup the active backup file. This can
cause a "Lock-up" in XP.
b) The Wizard may need "exclude" use of the drive for the backup.
With the "backup file" on the same drive, it may not be able to do this.

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