WIX source directory question



Hey ,,

I was trying to add a dll to the GAC the following works as desired

<Component Id="Assemblies_GAC" Guid="D50D93D8-B5EF-46f4-
A304-869ADBA389F9" DiskId="1">
<File Id="foo_GAC.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net"
ProcessorArchitecture="msil" Name="foo1.dll" LongName="xxxxxxxx.dll"
src="C:\GAC_Installer\xxxxxxxxx.dll" />

what I require is for the source of the dll to default to the same
location as the MSI file. So ,, basically the src attribute of file
should require just the file name and the location of the file should
be assumed to be the same as the location of the MSI.

I have already tried src="xxxxxx.dll" and that doesnt work

any ideas?


John Vottero

Hey ,,

I was trying to add a dll to the GAC the following works as desired

<Component Id="Assemblies_GAC" Guid="D50D93D8-B5EF-46f4-
A304-869ADBA389F9" DiskId="1">
<File Id="foo_GAC.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net"
ProcessorArchitecture="msil" Name="foo1.dll" LongName="xxxxxxxx.dll"
src="C:\GAC_Installer\xxxxxxxxx.dll" />

what I require is for the source of the dll to default to the same
location as the MSI file. So ,, basically the src attribute of file
should require just the file name and the location of the file should
be assumed to be the same as the location of the MSI.

I have already tried src="xxxxxx.dll" and that doesnt work

That resolved relative to your current directory. Set your default to the
location of the MSI and it will work.


That resolved relative to your current directory. Set your default to the
location of the MSI and it will work.- Hide quoted text -

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Thanks for the response... ummm.. I dont quite understand what you
mean .. basically, I am going to supply the client with a self-
extractor containing the msi and dlls, now its upto the client to
extract them where ever he/she wants. From here, I want the msi to
pickup the files from the same folder as itself.

John Vottero

Thanks for the response... ummm.. I dont quite understand what you
mean .. basically, I am going to supply the client with a self-
extractor containing the msi and dlls, now its upto the client to
extract them where ever he/she wants. From here, I want the msi to
pickup the files from the same folder as itself.

I misunderstood the questions, the src="xxxxx.dll" attribute tells WiX where
to find the source file when it's building the MSI.

I think you can build MSIs that install files from where the MSI is but,
I've never done it. I always build MSIs with all the files embedded into
the MSI. I think you would do this by changing some attribute of he
<Media> element but, that's just a guess.


I misunderstood the questions, the src="xxxxx.dll" attribute tells WiX where
to find the source file when it's building the MSI.

I think you can build MSIs that install files from where the MSI is but,
I've never done it. I always build MSIs with all the files embedded into
the MSI. I think you would do this by changing some attribute of he
<Media> element but, that's just a guess.- Hide quoted text -

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whhooooops .. thats even better:)... how would I embbed the dlls into
the MSI file such that I dont have to package them up in the product
that a send to the client?

John Vottero

whhooooops .. thats even better:)... how would I embbed the dlls into
the MSI file such that I dont have to package them up in the product
that a send to the client?

I think all you need is:

<Media Id="1" EmbedCab="yes" Cabinet="YourCABName" />

The 'DiskID="1"' attribute in your Components connect to the Media ID="1"
which tells it to embed the cabinet with "EmbedCab="yes".

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