Hi you Gurus,
I would like your help with my 'challenge' ;-) Any help or advice would be
greatly appriciated!!
I've created a Class wich retrieves FTP files.
In that Class there are several events telling me the filetransfer succeeded
or Failed. I have to get a hole range of files so making it serial would take
a lot of time. (BTW MGET commands doesn't work for me) So i would like to
start multiple gets at the same time and at the same time control the maximum
So i thought lets make a Array of the classes and each time the event fired
that a file is succesfully recieved make the Class get the next file.
Public Withevents objFTP() as new FTP
But VB.NET does not agree with me and gives me the following error:
'WithEvents' Variables cannot be typed as Arrays
This maybe a easy task for you to solve...
And maybe the answer is so obvious, but i'm stuck now, so any advice as i
said earlier would be gratly appriciated!
Thanks in Advance!
Rob Smeets
I would like your help with my 'challenge' ;-) Any help or advice would be
greatly appriciated!!
I've created a Class wich retrieves FTP files.
In that Class there are several events telling me the filetransfer succeeded
or Failed. I have to get a hole range of files so making it serial would take
a lot of time. (BTW MGET commands doesn't work for me) So i would like to
start multiple gets at the same time and at the same time control the maximum
So i thought lets make a Array of the classes and each time the event fired
that a file is succesfully recieved make the Class get the next file.
Public Withevents objFTP() as new FTP
But VB.NET does not agree with me and gives me the following error:
'WithEvents' Variables cannot be typed as Arrays
This maybe a easy task for you to solve...
And maybe the answer is so obvious, but i'm stuck now, so any advice as i
said earlier would be gratly appriciated!
Thanks in Advance!
Rob Smeets