Do you not realize the IE 7 questions that you referenced are written by
users absent the ability and knowledge for using IE 7? Did not say that
users did not have computer skills and online experience, enormous
Vista and IE 7 is the Worlds safest and most Secure OS and Browser that
women and men ever did develop.
Factually, what creates troubles and conflicts for IE 7 and Vista, when
user begins polluting the OS with all those third party nightly build
Simply, Vista and IE 7, **when properly installed**, is the Rolls Royce of
OS and Browsers, you can’t get better applications that provide user
friendliness and functionality compounded with Ultimate Security.
Question: If you had new a Rolls Royce, would you install Yugo parts into
your new Rolls Royce? Supposed that you did install those Yugo parts,
you complain that your new Rolls Royce no longer properly functions?
Respectfully, if you do not appreciate IE 7, you will not respect and
appreciate Vista and BitLocker. So, stay away from the most state of the
OS and Browser, and you will have no complaints !!
Accept Vista as it is, or, Abandon Vista