A lot of Thanks
I work with Excel in spanish, so I had to translate your formula, but it was
just I was looking for.
All with CSE as you say
=INDICE(H1:H33846;COINCIDIR(MAX(LARGO(H1:H33846));LARGO(H1:H33846);0)) tells
me the text
tell me its lenght
This is I DID to get the longest lenght of a text in a column:
MaxLen = 0
For Reg = 1 To Registros ' Registros is the amount of cells that contain
If Len(ActiveCell.Value) > MaxLen Then
MaxLen = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next Reg
In a range of 33850 cells it TOOK about 6 or 8 seconds, but now it's so
fast. So please, take a look at this code for numerical data and maybe you
can tell how to get it faster. Thank you.
When the column is numerical data I DO this (for now) to obtain Maxlen
(total lenght including decimal point if exist) and MaxDec (Max Decimals
present in the cells), ex: in 13445.36 MaxLen is 8 and MaxDec is 2,
in -13445.36 MaxLen is 9 and MaxDec is 2.
MaxLen = 0
MaxLenDeci = 0
For Reg = 1 To Registros
numstr = Trim(Str(ActiveCell.Value))
entero = Int(ActiveCell.Value)
If InStr(Str(ActiveCell.Value), ".") Then
Deci = Mid(numstr, InStr(Str(ActiveCell.Value), "."))
End If
If Len(numstr) > MaxLen Then
MaxLen = Len(numstr)
End If
If Deci > 0 And (Len(Deci) > MaxLenDeci) Then
MaxLenDeci = Len(Deci)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next Reg