Here are 3 pics of my problem. The two wires connected to my power switch
came off. I have no way to reconnect them. Now I cannot turn on my comp. Is
there anything I can do? See the pics below.
As you have noted, the reset switch will work for the time
being. If the reset and power switches themselves are
physically identical (the actual switch itself), then you
could even swap the switch from the reset switch's position
in the front panel holder, to the position that holds the
power switch... then you just have to fix your reset switch.
To fix the reset switch, you can either go to a mom-n-pop
computer shop and show them your switch, explaining that you
need another one (which will be obvious to them since the
wire isn't connected to it). Your switch is fairly common
type, any decent shop should be able to help you if it's the
old fashioned type where they fix computers hands-on rather
than just shelves of stuff for sale.
The other alternative is to take a sharp knife and strip off
about 3mm of the insulation off the wires, twist them about
3 turns clockwise so they're not fraying out in odd
directions, and solder them back to the switch pins they
broke off of. If you're not experienced in soldering
(probably not), it would be best to have someone else solder
it, because overheating these switch pins will be a problem
as they are short and held in the plastic body of the
switch. It's not hard for someone with soldering
experience to do, but without any soldering experience I
would suggest that you at least read some soldering
tutorials and practice on some scrap wire and metal before
trying to do it yourself. Soldering irons plus plenty of
solder are available at Radio Shack for about $5, but anyone
practiced at soldering probably has a soldering iron.