Is there a free downloadable bit of software to test the actual transfer
speeds of a wireless connection? I want to know if my 11Mbs 802.11b
connection is fast enough for me to use the full 8MB of my broadband
Is it really 8MB or is it 8Mb?
or whether I should upgrade to 802.11g (54Mb) or even 802.11n
The actual performance you see will depend not only on what
you connect to over the WAN (internet, usually), that end's
throughput, but also the signal quality on premises. 11b
will fall back to 5.5Mb if signal gets low, or fall back
even further. So will 11g, your primary limitation with any
of them is not usually going to be the letter after "11",
it's going to be the quality of your wifi connection.
The secondary benefit to a good wifi connection is it
improves your lan speeds as well, though since those have
such a great speed potential relative to the 8 M(b?)
internet connection, in that case it is all the more
beneficial to have 11g or n, and highest signal quality...
but signal quality is always the first priority.
Obviously I could try it and see, but if it doesn't run at full speed,
i won't know if it is the wireless connection or the website that is holding
things up.
You could connect the system via TP wire to the router to
check any particular remote system's throughput then compare
to wireless communication, or you could just try it, and if
the wireless link is in 11Mbps mode instead of falling down
lower, and the throughput isn't above 8Mb, you should assume
you have no need to move from 11b for this purpose alone.
In other words, the internet connection is usually the last
thing to consider, and if you're truely concerned about it's
performance you will avoid wireless altogether because the
latency is higher. That didn't matter so much in past years
but these days even a typical website may have dozens of
tiny images to download pseudo-simultaneously.