Wireless security and what you should know about it!


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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WiFi is no longer restricted to Laptops but it is now a common feature on many other gadgets, secure wireless communications is a must for added security. How can you secure your wireless connection? Follow the link provided to read the entire article.

10 Ways to wireless security
Hey did you know that all these people who have bluetooth enabled phone are prone to be victimised. If you have a bluetooth phone and do not have a bule tooth earset... you should leave the function off... most phone go into seek mode when bluetooth is anabled... so a local laptop of plam with a bluetooth abilites can hack your phone... and since most people label thier HOME number as "Home, House, ME!" you may end up in trouble.

Where do you think all those viruses in mobiles came from? It was Bluetooth in the mobiles folks were using!:)

I agree when you say Bluetooth should be switched off when not in use, be it Laptop, mobile phone or any other gadget. Besides, it also drains the battery due to its inherent nature of searching for devices by default all the time.
The sound of a cell phone virus is actually very very funny... in the past cell phones were not sophisicated enough to even contract viruses.... now that we have 'advanced' '3rd gen phones' they are at risk... Kinda sad I think... Then again my phone has been doing some odd stuff.. erasing all my saved games... I have never broadcasted my buletooth though I do sync it with my pc... could pc have cell phone virus in it that my Anti-Vir not find??
Anti Virus software is available for cell phones mainly for installation on smart phones as they tend to be more vulnerable due to their having an OS, WiFi, Bluetooth etc. Your Anti Virus on the PC I am afraid will not be able to disinfect your cell phone.