Wireless Provisioning Service


Joseph LeBlanc


I have been working with WPS lately to setup a wireless network
connection on XPe and have been successful in that endeavor. However I
also need to be able to delete preferred networks that I have created.

Since our product will be running our software as the shell we need to
be able to programmatically update/change settings such as the
encryption keys. WPS does not appear to allow you to change settings
for a preferred network that already exists.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?


Joseph LeBlanc
(e-mail address removed)

Kevin Otnes \(MS\)


Have you checked the WPSDDK, which was updated for Microsoft Windows XP
Professional Service Pack 2?
See http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/network/wireless/wps.mspx for the
download, which includes a wps.xml, as well as a help file to explain the
Wireless Provisioning Services API, and XML schemas.

Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 2 fully supports the WPS API's.

The docs for Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 2 have been updated on
MSDN with new content for Wireless Configuration. See

Kevin Otnes


The WPSDDK is exactly what I am using.

My problem is not creating the wireless settings, it is removing them.

I have already successfully used the CreateProfile method to setup a
wireless network connection on my client. The problem, maybe I'm just
totally missing something simple, is that I don't know how to delete or
change these settings once they have been created.

My application is a tablet PC running windows XP embedded that runs my
companies client software (written in .net). We make home/business
automation systems and the tablet PC is the primary interface to our
system. None of the XPe shell/standard windows interface will be
available to either our end users or the people who install our systems
and thus we need a way for them to enter the appropriate wireless
settings into our tablet PC's so that they work with the system.

Currently I only know how to add settings using the CreateProfile
method. I also noticed that if you try to add new settings for an ssid
that already exists as a preferred network you get an error. This means
that once those settings are set with CreateProfile they're essentially
permanent which is not acceptable. If our installer were to typo the
encryption key when installing the product for example they would be
stuck if they could not easily remove the settings and try again.

Thanks for the response,

Joseph LeBlanc
Oetz Systems Inc.

P.S. Thanks for the links, however your second link gives me a "page
cannot be found" error.



I guess Joseph's problem was that the IProvisioningProfileWireless interface is only exposing one function: CreateProfile.

Nothing like: DeleteProfile, ModifyProfile, etc.


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