In the future - a few suggestions for posting on a newsgroup...
- Do not JUST put your question in the subject line.
- Give more details. (For example, here the type of Internet Connection you
have would be useful.)
- Don't use your real email address. (without munging it.)
Now - to answer your question - the cheapest and easiest thing to do is go
to your local computer store and buy a wireless router. They should cost
anywhere from $20-$100 and offer you wireless as well as wired connectivity.
Unplug (from power) all of your Internet and computing equipment.
Plug in the modem (cable/dsl) first. Let it "settle down".
Now connect its ethernet cable to your new router and power it up. Read the
manual on its setup.
Connect your computer to the router (wireless or wired - I would suggest
wired at least for the setup of the router) and configure the router.