Wireless networking a printer

Jun 8, 2005
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I have just moved to a new house and it is impractical to have my MF Epson CX6400 printer in my 'study'. I have a Wireless network (802.11g) linking my desktop and 2 laptops if required. Does anybody know if I can access the print function of the MFP via a wireless printer server?
That's the point, I haven't got room to plug the printer directly to my desktop. I want to use a standalone wireless printer server but I am unsure as to whether the the print functionality of the CX6400 MF Printer is compatible with such a networking device.
there is a new thing that does what you need i'll try and find it
You just need to buy a Wireless Print Server. Instead of connecting the printer to the PC, connect it to the wireless print server, do all the setup and you're ready to go. You will not need to have the printer connected to the pc, you can place the printer anywhere in the house.

Check this out


Here's an example on how a print server works


Mauricio Nava