I've just spent two days setting up my wireless network
at home. I have just one computer -- my laptop -- have
DSL via modem which is now bridged to a netgear router.
It took FOREVER and lots of calls to tech assistance at
netgear, my ISP AND HP to get it all runnning. Now, I
want to make sure it is REALLY secure by configuring it
with WPA...But I haven't found a good step-by-step
process to do that, in order to avoid messing the whole
thing up and having to start from scratch! I know that
first I need to re-configure the router over wired
connection, but after that, I'm not sure. Do I then need
to set up a new network with updated info (like
passphrases)? Any advice would be very appreciated.
Steven L Umbach said:
It sounds like you are using WEP instead of WPA. If
your wireless access point/router and wireless network
adapter support WPA you want to use that instead as WEP
can be creaked fairly easily. Even with WPA be sure to
use a complex PSK [hardware password]of at least a
dozen characters. --- Steve