wireless modems ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fergalflann
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What type of hardware do I need to gain access to the internet with using phone
leads etc ?
What type of hardware do I need to gain access to the internet with using phone
leads etc ?

with(out) using Phone leads I take it.

Theres a crapload of sales going on now. You actually missed alot of
them already but there should be more coming up.

Compusa had a 6 hour pre Thanksgiving instore the night before. Then
they had another online that night. Then they had the usual Black
Friday sale but then so did Office Max , Circuit City, Best Buy and
Staples. Office Depot had a small one. Thats if you live in the US.

Unfortunately this was asked a while back in this sub and I didnt
really see an easy low cost way for a regular 50k connect. If you have
cable or dsl - there are tons of routers - wireless on sale now.

I just returned one I got for $9 after MIR (mail in rebate) . It was a
"b" older version. I already have one which I got on an earlier sale.

Theres lots of "b" sales and some "g" sales now.
The g obviously supposedly is a faster standard that goes farther.
The reviews say thats not always the case - that the first generation
ones werent that good but the recent "g"s were getting much better.

The b - Im not sure what to make of it. Ive read totally contradictory
posts on the same equipement. I have a Belkin "g" wireless which I
havent installed yet - and there are posts that say its a very decent
router that works as far as 60 feet plus or more. The box has a chart
and PC mag has a chart that claims something like 1500 feet.
Obviouslyit dependson how and what type of obstacles are in the line
of sight.

Generally people say the 11mbps is wishful thinking and 4-5 mbps is
more like it at 50-60 ft now that would be great. But theres alot of
other posts which claim they cant get more than 4 feet away !!!! And
that the speeds nosedive like crazy. I pray this is the early one.
Many reviews are from 2002. I noticed for the Belkin there was an
earlier squarish model with the same model number. They replaced that
one with a rounded design case - both "b".

Other reviewers have also claimed constant reset problems while others
say they dont have them.
Oh yeah - you need wireless PCI card for PC or card for notebook and
the router. Both have been on sale lately - the b and g. I think a g
sale on both is going on now for $70 after MIR at compusa.

For 56k - I see some wireless modems and the like for ridiculous
prices. You dont see much of that anymore on sale because most people
who want wireless seem to have cable or DSL.

One guy at a store told me he had an OLD SMC wireless router that
accepted a 50k modem input . Ive never seen it selling at Compusa etc
though recently.