Hello forum
has anyone encountered a problem with a Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0
where once installed the scroll wheel doesn't scroll, despite the settings in
the Control Panel clearly telling it to?
It will scroll on some occasions, but the direction it scrolls in is not
always the desired one, and at other times it seems like the scroll buffer
(if there is such a thing) clears itself all at once and the active window
scroll bar manically jumps up and down for a few seconds.
I should point out that I am not drunk and have fairly good motor skills, so
I've ruled myself out as the source of the problem
Thanks - Adrian
has anyone encountered a problem with a Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 2.0
where once installed the scroll wheel doesn't scroll, despite the settings in
the Control Panel clearly telling it to?
It will scroll on some occasions, but the direction it scrolls in is not
always the desired one, and at other times it seems like the scroll buffer
(if there is such a thing) clears itself all at once and the active window
scroll bar manically jumps up and down for a few seconds.
I should point out that I am not drunk and have fairly good motor skills, so
I've ruled myself out as the source of the problem

Thanks - Adrian