Windows XP Wireless home network and file sharing in Win 2000/XP

Apr 13, 2004
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Sorry, I know this is the XP section but there isnt a win 2000 one...

Have a two clunky old win2000 laptops/desktops and newer xp machine that me and family use. We are all connected to a wireless router. I would like to set up a home network so I can share the printer and files across all the machines in the house. Have looked in vain for a simple step by step guide for how to do this but havnet found anything that explains the whole process.

Am I setting myself up for difficulties mixing XP and 2000?

If the network is WEP encrypted I assume this is sufficient to protect the various machines despite being able to share files between ourselves?

Is the transfer speed of a new wireless home network sufficient to say watch a movie on a laptop that is physically on a desktop machine elsewhere or am I getting overly ambitious here?

Guidance appreciated...
You'll find some good info here ,
