Wireless-G (802.11g)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim T
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Jim T

I currently have a Linksys Wireless-B (802.11b) home network and plan to switch to Linksys (802.11g). Should I uninstall the old network first or will Linksys "see it" and adjust the settings ? Also I have never been sure how to secure the network once it is running. Each computer on the (802.11b) has a firewall and virus protection but when my laptop detects the network it shows it to be 'unsecured'. How do I secure it ? By the way I "see" the networks of two of my neighbors.

First off, you might want to post this question in the XP
networking newsgroup. Look for
microsoft.public.windowsxp.network_web within your newsgroup

That said, I believe that when you install your new hardware
(router + adapters) you're going to have to recreate the wireless
parts of your network from scratch. It really isn't a question of
uninstalling the old network as much as it is one of setting it
up all over again.

As for security, you might want to turn off broadcasting the SSID
for your network. You can also enable WEP, Wired Equivalent
Privacy. Consult the router's manual for the correct procedure.
These are the simplest security measures to implement. The
experts who frequent the networking newsgroup can probably
provide other measures you can take to secure you network.

Also, the reason you're seeing those other two networks is
because they have not disabled SSID broadcasting. Keep in mind
that unless you've disabled SSID broadcasting on your router,
they may be seeing your network.

Good luck

I currently have a Linksys Wireless-B (802.11b) home network and
plan to switch to Linksys (802.11g). Should I uninstall the old
network first or will Linksys "see it" and adjust the settings ?
Also I have never been sure how to secure the network once it is
running. Each computer on the (802.11b) has a firewall and virus
protection but when my laptop detects the network it shows it to
be 'unsecured'. How do I secure it ? By the way I "see" the
networks of two of my neighbors.
