Windows XP Wireless does not work after installing Ubuntu

Jan 9, 2010
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I recently installed the OS Ubuntu 9.1 on a separate partition of my computer. Directly after installing it, I can't connect to any wireless connections on both my Windows XP and Ubuntu installs. In XP, when I try to repair it, it just stays on "Renewing your IP address" for 5+ minutes (i stopped timing after that lol). It knows there's a wireless network to connect to, it just refuses to do it. I know my wireless router is working because my other computers still connect fine and have internet access. I know that this may not necessarily be just a Windows problem, but I haven't ruled out the possibility yet.

So far I've tried basically everything this forum ( says to:
  • i've made sure my dhcp client service is enabled
  • i've released and renewed iconfig in cmd.exe
  • i don't have any network bridges
  • all my network adaptors are enabled
  • i've run lspfix.exe & winsockxpfix.exe and they didn't work
  • did the netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt command.
  • if i use a static ip address like what this guy does,, I can connect to the network.
None of these are working. Help me please!
Perhaps a hard reset and re-entering of ISP details on your router may help.

Quite odd though, the only problem a Linux install to a seperate partition is likely to give is to the Master Boot Record as far as I know, haven't heard of this one before.
I just finished reloading Windows 2000 Pro, after a similiar incident, Ubuntu was suppose to run in windows (didn't happen and my Sierra 875U quit working, also).

Took the Aircard into where I bought it and they showed me it worked great on their windows laptop (my laptop has only Ubuntu, but the home machine runs window and Ubuntu, but there's no using the Ubuntu, cuz the Aircard doesn't have a program to run it in Linux). If your provider is not CDMA, but GMS there is currently no way to connect (that I know of).

Until someone writes a program and makes it available in open source, it looks as though we'll be using windows to connect to the internet.

The laptop does get to go to the coffee shop for updates, and its weekly internet fix.

Best of luck to you, but I think you'll have to reload windows.
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