Hi I am a geek but not where it comes to networking and wireless
I log in to my router website using the IP address on the back and I
find 3 items of curiosity
1) Enable WLAN. These seems fairley obviouse if I un tick it the
Wireless bit stops and nobady can log on with a lap top etc.
2) Hide broadcast. Shurley this ammounts to the same thing dosn't it?
3) SSID Not only can I give myself a nice name but I have a drop down
box SSID index with SSID 1, SSID2, SSID3 and SSID4
Does this last one mean I could allow 4 people to use my wireless
connection with there own password lof in? Nice if that was the case.
I log in to my router website using the IP address on the back and I
find 3 items of curiosity
1) Enable WLAN. These seems fairley obviouse if I un tick it the
Wireless bit stops and nobady can log on with a lap top etc.
2) Hide broadcast. Shurley this ammounts to the same thing dosn't it?
3) SSID Not only can I give myself a nice name but I have a drop down
box SSID index with SSID 1, SSID2, SSID3 and SSID4
Does this last one mean I could allow 4 people to use my wireless
connection with there own password lof in? Nice if that was the case.