Wireless card off on startup?

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Hi all,

I was wondering is there a registry key that turns on my wireless network
I would like to have it in the off position on boot. When I boot my laptop
it is on on default. I was hoping to do the same trick I did with the numlock
This was done by changing the value of the following registry key to 2:
HKEY USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators
Any suggestions or am I searching in the wrong place?

I might have overlooked something. There is actually some difference between
off and disabled.
Let me explain. There is a orange button on the side of me laptop. When
Vista is fully booted it the orange button lights up indicating the wireless
LAN is enabled.
When I turn off the network card in the device manager the card is not
getting any power.
If I am correct than what I would like is the wireless LAN to be disabled on
startup. So the orange light won't come on.
Does this make sense?

But how can I make my laptop flip the switch. I don't want to be pressing the
button everytime I boot my laptop.
Check your bios for default setting. On or Off. If your laptop does NOT have
a physical switch then the bios is most likely the place to control default
My laptop does have a physical switch. But I don't want to be pressing it
everytime my laptop boots. There is no option in the bios so I was wondering
if there is registry key or something to set it to disabled on startup.

What I meant by "physical switch" is an on/off switch. It is not
"pressed"... it is either always on or always off. It is usually a slide
type switch on the side of the laptop. My laptop has a soft key combination
to enable or disable the built in wi-fi. In my case it's Function F2. When
those 2 keys are pressed at the same time the built in wi-fi will toggle
from enabled to disabled. Or vice versa. However, there is a setting in my
bios that determines whether the laptop will boot with wi-fi enabled or
disabled. If I set it to disabled... the laptop will always boot up with
wi-fi disabled and I will then have to turn it on with the soft key.
(Function F2) and vice-versa. So do check your bios carefully for this
setting. There should be some way to boot without wi-fi. It sucks battery
power and pilots don't like it.
Thank you for your reply. I am sure there is no option in the bios (will
check once more). I've send a email to the manufacturer in hope they have an
answer. Keep you guys posted.
