wireless card issues



I m having problem installing cisco 350 wireless card
adapter on a machine runing windows xpe.
I have the wireless zero configurtion component in the
bulid. i havent added any cards , as i am installing the
cards after FBA runs. The fba runs fne and gives me a
clean image, but when i insert the wirelesscard adapter
in the slot, it hangs. the machine doesnot respond till i
pull the card bck out. I dont understand how this can be
resolved. any help?


Nikolai Vorontsov

Hi, sid!
I m having problem installing cisco 350 wireless card
adapter on a machine runing windows xpe.
I have the wireless zero configurtion component in the
bulid. i havent added any cards , as i am installing the
cards after FBA runs. The fba runs fne and gives me a
clean image, but when i insert the wirelesscard adapter
in the slot, it hangs. the machine doesnot respond till i
pull the card bck out. I dont understand how this can be
resolved. any help?

I had this prob. before. You need to _disable_ wireless zero
configuration service, reboot machine and insert a WiFi card. Install
drivers and only after that (and a reboot probably) you can enable and
start wireless zero service.

I had this problem with Orinoco PCMCIA card... Fixed as described above.

Darren Powell

Hi Sid,

Could I ask if you were then successful using the Cisco
350 series card? I am currently having issues with
establishing a TCP connection after the card associates,
(A DLink 650+ runs perfectly with the same settings)

Thank you!


Nikolai Vorontsov

Hi, Darren Powell!
Could I ask if you were then successful using the Cisco
350 series card? I am currently having issues with
establishing a TCP connection after the card associates,
(A DLink 650+ runs perfectly with the same settings)
Sorry, I've never used Cisco 350 cards...

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