Wireless card affecting tv signal?

Feb 6, 2003
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I have been having problems with my tv signal.

It seems whenever I am connected to my wireless network on channel 11 my ti signal fluctuates which causes the picture to stat and stop.

when I disconnect from the wireless network it seems to be better but still not perfect
different channels offer different signal levels. at around 70-80%

was wondering if anyone knows if pci tv card can be affected by the wireless netgear card
they are both next to each other in my pci configuration the wireless card is right on top of the tv card...


p.s sorry i posted this in the wrong section
I havent changed the channel yet trying to work out the problem for sure.

(the wireless channel)
oh well it was affecting it

I moved the tv card 2 slots down and now the signal does not fluctuate

damn i hate these sort of conflicts sometimes the soulution is so simple