wireless broadband

  • Thread starter Thread starter will
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Can anyone tell me if it's possible and economical to have wireless broadband
without having a fixed land line connected because i'm sick of paying the
line rental on a phone that i just about never use. I sometimes think we pay
through the nose for communication that's not really up to speed in
will said:
Can anyone tell me if it's possible and economical to have wireless
broadband without having a fixed land line connected because i'm sick of
paying the line rental on a phone that i just about never use. I sometimes
think we pay through the nose for communication that's not really up to
speed in Australia.

This is really up to your DSL/phone provider and country/state's
regulations. Just very recently here in the US it became possible to have a
DSL connection from AT&T without having a landline. I didn't pay much
attention to it at the time since I don't use DSL and I want a landline,
but I believe some sort of legal process was involved. If you're interested
you could Google for something like "AT&T DSL no landline".

So this really isn't a Vista issue, hardware or otherwise, but is something
your ISP would need to provide.

Thankyou Malke. I didn't think it was a vista issue however. Perhaps i have
misunderstood the reason for this site. Is this site only for discussing
issues with Windows Vista? I thought it was just a community discussion
group. Pretty embarrassing for me hey!
will said:
Thankyou Malke. I didn't think it was a vista issue however. Perhaps i
have misunderstood the reason for this site. Is this site only for
discussing issues with Windows Vista? I thought it was just a community
discussion group. Pretty embarrassing for me hey!

There is no need for you to be embarrassed. This is not a site but is one of
the many public Microsoft newsgroups; it only looks like a site to you
because you're accessing the group via the terrible web interface. This is
the worst way to do it. Instead, set up a newsreader - very easy to do. See
below for full explanation of what this group really is and how to set
things up. The MS public newsgroups are for technical help with the various
Microsoft products, so none of MS groups are really a "community discussion
group". For that sort of thing, you want a *real* web forum. I highly
suggest Computer Haven (www.computerhaven.info) or the AumHA forums

Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you learn
to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows, but you
can use Outlook Express (XP) or Windows Mail (Vista) since you already have
it. Here are some links to information about newsgroups:

About Usenet:
http://www.faqs.org/faqs/ - Usenet FAQs from the Internet FAQ Archives
http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Usenet - a brief explanation
of newsgroups

Outlook Express/Windows Mail as Newsreader:

How to Post:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/555375 - How to Ask a Question
http://users.tpg.com.au/bzyhjr/liszt.htm - How Not to Get Technical Help on

http://aumha.org/nntp.htm - list of MS newsgroups
microsoft.public.test.here - MS group to test if your newsreader is working
http://www3.telus.net/dandemar/munad.htm - how to munge email address
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossposting - crossposting
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting

Other Newsreaders for Windows:
http://www.forteinc.com/main/homepage.php - Forte
http://www.mozilla.org - Thunderbird

This is great information. Thankyou for your help Malke. It's people like you
that make the internet a whole lot more enjoyable for old dumb arses like me.
Be nice to get a couple up on my daughters soon:-)
will said:
This is great information. Thankyou for your help Malke. It's people like
you that make the internet a whole lot more enjoyable for old dumb arses
like me. Be nice to get a couple up on my daughters soon:-)

You're very welcome but you're not to call yourself names. Just because you
don't know this tech stuff doesn't make you dumb. We all have our areas of
