Wireless Billion Router issue

Jun 5, 2006
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Hello, I have a new 7402g billion router, which I am having some trouble with. Firstly, wireless connections seem to be some 'up and down' with it, you don't notice this until you have to relie on the connection i.e. for a phone conversation or webinar when it will kick you off sporatically.

Also, we have setup the device with hex 128 WEP encryption, all the PCs can connect wirelessly no problem, but try and get a mac on and airport tells you there was an error connecting, connecting with ethernet cable or with no encryption is fine though. the device has the latest firmware and the mac is a brand new OS 10.4.

Any ideas anyone?
would think if you are booted off during a telephone conversation the its something to do with the filter you have been provided with.

As for not being able to connect on wireless with the Mac then maybe you never entered the MAC address of the wireless card installed into the Mac within the Routers on screen software?
try using WPA PSK on the Mac, im using that with my one and it works fine