I've set up a port based network access control for our company via Radius.
The solution works fine for WinXP supplicants where I can configure 802.1X
settings easily in the Authentication tab.
I have a big problem for our Windows 2000 machines. They do not have the
Authentication tab in the network adapter's properties and installing the
patch (Q313664) fails. It says that I have already SP4 and that the patch is
only for SP3.
Installing another 802.1X client (SecureW2) does not work either.
Is 802.1X not supported by Windows 2000 for wired network cards?
I've set up a port based network access control for our company via Radius.
The solution works fine for WinXP supplicants where I can configure 802.1X
settings easily in the Authentication tab.
I have a big problem for our Windows 2000 machines. They do not have the
Authentication tab in the network adapter's properties and installing the
patch (Q313664) fails. It says that I have already SP4 and that the patch is
only for SP3.
Installing another 802.1X client (SecureW2) does not work either.
Is 802.1X not supported by Windows 2000 for wired network cards?