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You need to purchase WinZip - it is not included with XP:


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

| Where is winzip..I need to zip some files before emailing
To Will Denny......Thanks for your response.....I was just told about going into Explorer (file manager) right clicking on the large document, high-lighting Send To. and clicking on Compress. This does compress the file....good enough?
eric said:
Where is winzip..I need to zip some files before emailing

It's at, where it's always been. If you
think that it's a part of Windows XP, sorry to tell you that it's
never been part of any version of Windows.

However Windows XP does have zip capabilities built into it. Go
to Start | Help and Support, and search for ZIP.

I have that option disabled as I use WinZip, but I think that I used to use
File>New>Compressed Folder in Windows Explorer - and then dragged files to


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

| To Will Denny......Thanks for your response.....I was just told about
going into Explorer (file manager) right clicking on the large document,
high-lighting Send To. and clicking on Compress. This does compress the
file....good enough?
Or try IZARC, it does more formats and is totally free.

| maybe?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Where is winzip..I need to zip some files before emailing
| >.
| >
Winzip application has been included on all my pc's since at least Win98. Any idea if WinZip decided to stop giving it away or MS decided not to include it themselves?
Eric said:
Winzip application has been included on all my pc's since at least
Win98. Any idea if WinZip decided to stop giving it away or MS
decided not to include it themselves?

No, neither of those things is what happened. If you bought OEM
computers and those computers came with Winzip, it was that the
company you bought the computer from bundled it (probably just a
trial version) with the package he sold you. Microsoft didn't
include it and Winzip didn't include it. No version of Windows
has ever come with it.

This is similar to the person who buys a new computer and is
outraged to find out that "Windows XP doesn't come with Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint." They compare WIndows XP with their old
Windows 98 computer which did come with these products.

Yes their WIndows 98 computer may have come with Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint, but Windows 98 didn't. It's simply that they had
bought a Windows 98 computer from someone who bundled those
products together with the computer he sold.

So Winzip is a separate product which is shareware. You are
entitled to try it for 21 days without paying, but are then
required to pay for it ($29) if you keep it (although since it
stays functional if you don't pay, there are many people who keep
it and don't pay). See
Microsoft never included WinZip with any of their operating systems. You
likely had the program added by the computer vender as an additional add-on.
To the best of my knowledge WinZip has always been shareware. However the
demo/trial doesn't time out. When you register the nag screen is removed.


Harry Ohrn MS-MVP [Shell/User]

Eric said:
Winzip application has been included on all my pc's since at least Win98.
Any idea if WinZip decided to stop giving it away or MS decided not to
include it themselves?

"Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
| Do you have link for that, Jim?
| --
| Michael Solomon MS-MVP
| Windows Shell/User
| Backup is a PC User's Best Friend
| DTS-L.Org:
in message
| | > Or try IZARC, it does more formats and is totally free.
| >
| >
| > | > | maybe?
| > |
| > | >-----Original Message-----
| > | >Where is winzip..I need to zip some files before
| > | >.
| > | >
| >
| >
You're welcome.

"Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
| Thanks, Jim.
| --
| Michael Solomon MS-MVP
| Windows Shell/User
| Backup is a PC User's Best Friend
| DTS-L.Org:
in message
| | > Yes
| >
| >
| > "Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
| > | > | Do you have link for that, Jim?
| > |
| > | --
| > | Michael Solomon MS-MVP
| > | Windows Shell/User
| > | Backup is a PC User's Best Friend
| > | DTS-L.Org:
| > |
| > | "Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm>
| > in message
| > | | > | > Or try IZARC, it does more formats and is totally
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > | maybe?
| > | > |
| > | > | >-----Original Message-----
| > | > | >Where is winzip..I need to zip some files before
| > emailing
| > | > | >.
| > | > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Ken Blake said:
In emailing

It's at, where it's always been. If you
think that it's a part of Windows XP, sorry to tell you that it's
never been part of any version of Windows.

However Windows XP does have zip capabilities built into it. Go
to Start | Help and Support, and search for ZIP.

Just a short note on XP's zipping capabilities: For those
using the NTFS file system in particular, it is handy to
read Help's "File compression overview" because with NTFS
you can make mistakes in assuming when/where something might
be in the zipped format, and there are some small diffs btwn
Home and the Pro versions.
I learned it the hard way - or, rather, when my
compressed files turned out to not be compressed after all,
but they -were- compressed, etc. <g>. It's pretty clear in
the Help section.

Hope I'm not repeating old news here,
