Winzip question

  • Thread starter Thread starter alderessy
  • Start date Start date


I always download winzip files from the net and install them on m
desktop for a while then save them in a new folder.When i install the
and open that file then try to close it is shows this messag
"c:\DocumentandSetting\Moh\Local~1\Temp has been moved.Do you want t
extract this file to refresh it".Ok,my extract folder for winzip i
configuration is the same above.And i everyday delete my Temp files.
know there is nothing wrong really but how can i stop thi
alderessy said:
...shows this message "c:\DocumentandSetting\Moh\Local~1\Temp has been

But when you go to "C:\Documents and Settings\Moh\Local Settings" (you
must enable hidden files and folders), do you see the folder "Temp"? If
not, then you should create one (file => new => folder) and name it
"Temp". Does that solves the problem?