Here is something Ron de Bruin wrote on this subject
On the zipping part, you may want to check WinZip's web site. A few months
ago they introduced an addin to Winzip called the command line support addon
which lets you enter command switches with the Basic Winzip command. you
could then use some code like this:
Sub Zip_File()
Dim Zip_Path As String, Command_Text As String, My_Prog
Zip_Path = File_Sh.[AH13]
' Delete the old zip file if it exists to avoid adding this file
Command_Text = Zip_Path & Path_Sep & "wzzip -yp spc.zip spc.xls"
My_Prog = Shell(Command_Text, vbMaximizedFocus)
End Sub
The one "gotcha" I never got past was that unless the user is using Outlook,
the only file I could zip and mail was the open workbook using the
File.SendMail command. One of these days I'm going to write a macro to use
outlook but just haven't yet gottn to it.
Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Michael said:
Help, I have written a macro that performs calculations in
a spreadsheet and e-mails it to the relevant people. The
problem I have is that the file is large and would benefit
from compression, is there a way of writing this in to the