Subject: Freshen an existing winzip Archive
When I follow the winzip instructions for the subject no
update takes place. When I return to the archive and view
the individual files they have not changed. For example:
I select E:\*.* and freshen from the drop down window and
push the freshen with wild cards button it will go
through the motions (it will show the green progress bar)
but the files in E:\*.* Archive are not changed. Can
anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your help.
Subject: Freshen an existing winzip Archive
When I follow the winzip instructions for the subject no
update takes place. When I return to the archive and view
the individual files they have not changed. For example:
I select E:\*.* and freshen from the drop down window and
push the freshen with wild cards button it will go
through the motions (it will show the green progress bar)
but the files in E:\*.* Archive are not changed. Can
anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your help.