Hi, my WinXP Pro SP 2 will not address ram memory above aprox 1.1 GB.
It does not go to pagefile.sys - it simple refuses to go above 1.1GB
System has 4 GB, even changed RAM chips to see if it was faulty chips.
System properties shows the expexted 3.25 GB RAM.
Xp works like a charm right until 1 GB has been used, it then weirds out
without any advance notice or error messages. F.ex in IE it will suddenly
refuse to
open a new window, apps won't start and open apps hang, and in some cases I
cannot even start task mgr. Clicking on the red x to close windows works,
so after I close some windows everything works again.
This is a new problem, ie not from day 1.
No malware etc according to Norton 360.
According to System Properties tag it uses Physical Address Extension, I
assume this is same as PAE? No PAE switch in boot.ini.
Any help appreciated.
It does not go to pagefile.sys - it simple refuses to go above 1.1GB
System has 4 GB, even changed RAM chips to see if it was faulty chips.
System properties shows the expexted 3.25 GB RAM.
Xp works like a charm right until 1 GB has been used, it then weirds out
without any advance notice or error messages. F.ex in IE it will suddenly
refuse to
open a new window, apps won't start and open apps hang, and in some cases I
cannot even start task mgr. Clicking on the red x to close windows works,
so after I close some windows everything works again.
This is a new problem, ie not from day 1.
No malware etc according to Norton 360.
According to System Properties tag it uses Physical Address Extension, I
assume this is same as PAE? No PAE switch in boot.ini.
Any help appreciated.