I recently overclocked a Pentium D 945 from 3.4GHz to 3.6GHz by increasing CPU
external frequency from 200 to 212 MHz. Although the CPU speed now shows as
3.6GHz on the post screen and according to Sisoft Sandra after XP has started,
the general tab of System Properties shows the CPU designation correctly but now
indicates 2.52GHz as the operating speed as follows:
Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz
2.52GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM
Another Pentium D 945 overclocked the same amount in another computer correctly
shows 3.6GHz as the operating speed.
Any ideas what's wrong? Is System Properties in error on the computer showing
The motherboard is an Asus P5P800-VM.
§§§ - Change planet to earth to reply by email - §§§
external frequency from 200 to 212 MHz. Although the CPU speed now shows as
3.6GHz on the post screen and according to Sisoft Sandra after XP has started,
the general tab of System Properties shows the CPU designation correctly but now
indicates 2.52GHz as the operating speed as follows:
Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz
2.52GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM
Another Pentium D 945 overclocked the same amount in another computer correctly
shows 3.6GHz as the operating speed.
Any ideas what's wrong? Is System Properties in error on the computer showing
The motherboard is an Asus P5P800-VM.
§§§ - Change planet to earth to reply by email - §§§