WinXP SP1 Home, Scheduled Tasks don't run since installing latest Security
I installed the latest WIN XP security updates: 841873, 839645, 840315,
842773 and 823353 [OE6_SP1] on 7/14 and tasks in the TaskScheduler haven't
been able to run since.
The error messages in the "SchedLog.txt" are:
"The attempt to log on to the account associated with the task failed,
therefore, the task did not run.
Verify that the task's Run-as name and password are valid and try again."
"Unable to start task.
The specific error is:
0x80070006: The handle is invalid.
Try using the Task page Browse button to locate the application."
So far I have Uninstalled and verified TaskScheduler works without these
Critical Updates, then re-installed them and again lost the use of the
I have gone through Knowledge Base Article - 308558 "How To Troubleshoot
Scheduled Tasks in Windows XP" without a possitive solution.
From Kelly's site I again ran "sthome.vbs" to allow tasks without passwords,
yet that didn't correct getting Error Message (1).
I Added a new Scheduled Task to see if only the old tasks were effected. The
new task got Error 2 the first time I tried it and then Error 1 since.
The real strange part is that if I manually try to run from the Right-click
menu, the first attempt will get Error 1, yet if I again right-click "Run"
within a few seconds of the failed attempt it will run from this second
Looking for a solution that doesn't require uninstalling the Updates
I installed the latest WIN XP security updates: 841873, 839645, 840315,
842773 and 823353 [OE6_SP1] on 7/14 and tasks in the TaskScheduler haven't
been able to run since.
The error messages in the "SchedLog.txt" are:
"The attempt to log on to the account associated with the task failed,
therefore, the task did not run.
Verify that the task's Run-as name and password are valid and try again."
"Unable to start task.
The specific error is:
0x80070006: The handle is invalid.
Try using the Task page Browse button to locate the application."
So far I have Uninstalled and verified TaskScheduler works without these
Critical Updates, then re-installed them and again lost the use of the
I have gone through Knowledge Base Article - 308558 "How To Troubleshoot
Scheduled Tasks in Windows XP" without a possitive solution.
From Kelly's site I again ran "sthome.vbs" to allow tasks without passwords,
yet that didn't correct getting Error Message (1).
I Added a new Scheduled Task to see if only the old tasks were effected. The
new task got Error 2 the first time I tried it and then Error 1 since.
The real strange part is that if I manually try to run from the Right-click
menu, the first attempt will get Error 1, yet if I again right-click "Run"
within a few seconds of the failed attempt it will run from this second
Looking for a solution that doesn't require uninstalling the Updates