WinXP Security



I wish to knw whether winXp is based on win2000 security
or win2000 is better in terms of security in terms of a
standalone machine.I am running WinXP prof. on a
standalone machine and im very paranoid about security as
one of my friends cracked my user pwd using net user
command.One of my other friends then started using
win2000 on a standalone pc and then created a very a
secure solution in win2000 using drive access permissions
to specific user a/c and provided a complete security
solution.Which is why i want to know whether the same can
be done on my pc running WinXP prof. Please guide
me.Please reply ASAP.Please give detailed procedure as to
hw to get my system as secured as my friend did on


Windows XP uses an enhanced version of the Windows 2000
security model. It should either have better or just as
good security as Windows 2000.

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