WinXP Pro doesn't display all contents of WINDOWS



Additionally, if I open a CMD-prompt window, navigate to the C:\WINDOWS
directory and do a "DIR" command, all that is shown is the . and ..

I have "Show Hidden Files and Folders" selected in Windows Explorer Folder

How do I get WinXP to reveal ALL files and folders? I KNOW there are a bunch
of files and folders at that location (if I do a "DIR s*" a list of files and
folders including SYSTEM and SYSTEM32 are shown).

Thank you for your attention and help.



bulova_PSB said:
Additionally, if I open a CMD-prompt window, navigate to the
C:\WINDOWS directory and do a "DIR" command, all that is shown is the
. and .. directories!

I have "Show Hidden Files and Folders" selected in Windows Explorer
Folder Options.

How do I get WinXP to reveal ALL files and folders? I KNOW there are
a bunch of files and folders at that location (if I do a "DIR s*" a
list of files and folders including SYSTEM and SYSTEM32 are shown).

When you were in Folder Options, did you uncheck the "Hide protected
operating system files (recommended)" option?

Wesley Vogel

None of these apply to the command prompt (cmd.exe) or the Run command.

* Display the contents of system folders
* Show hidden files and folders
* Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)

They only apply to Windows Explorer.

I UNChecked: Display the contents of system folders & Show hidden files and
folders. And I checked: Hide protected operating system files

I then killed explorer.exe and restarted it just because.

I then opened a command prompt.
Typed: cd C:\WINDOWS
Typed: dir and everything showed.

I also pasted the following line into the Run command and clicked OK...

C:\DOCUME~1\WESLEY~1.VOG\LOCALS~1\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

and the Content.IE5 folder opened. LOCALS~1 or Local Settings is a hidden
folder, so anything beyond that is also hidden. And Content.IE5 is a Hidden
System folder.

I also pasted
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
into the Run command and the Content.IE5 folder opened.

I am not sure what you problem is.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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