From: "Todd H." <
[email protected]>
| Is it safe to say attempts to boot into safe mode have failed?
| Any WinXP installation disk can get you into the recovery console to
| do things like chkdsk. I wonder if David Lipman's multi_av might be
| able to do its magic from teh dos prompt. Haven't tried that, but a
| command line dos virus scanner would be the thing to have.
| Another way to clean malware though, you'll wanna look at one of the
| knoppix distibutions that include a malware checker and captive ntfs
| (assuming that your xp pro installation uses NTFS vs FAT32 as the
| filesystem.
| But if the machine is that pooched, I'd be pulling data off of it with
| a boot disk to get it to an external harddrive, and flattening the
| system and reinstalling the OS from original media rather than chasing
| my tail for who knows how long trying to rid it of all its crap.
Either the the Laptop can access the Internet and the Kapersky, McAfee and Sophos files are
all downloaded or a surrogate PC is used. If a surrogate PC is used then then the files can
be copied to a CDROM. on the surrogate PC the user would then the Kapersky, McAfee and
Sophos files are all downloaded. a CD is burned with the entire tree of C:\AV-CLS
The laptop can then be booted in to the "Recovery Console" from the WinXP distribution CD.
Since the OS will then recognize the CD Drive, the CDROM with the Multi AV .\AV-CLS tree can
then be copied to the root of "C:" making C:\AV-CLS .
Then the user can change to the C:\AV-CLS folder and run one or all of the following..
KAVclean.bat (Kaspersky)
DOSclean.bat (McAfee)
SOFclean.bat (Sophos)